LAB CARE: Environmental/ Stability/ Humidity Test Chambers are especially designed to conduct stability and shelf life studies on drug and drugs substances. In addition to this, Stability Test Chambers are extensively used for seeds testing, biological studies, testing on electronic & mechanical components, Cement plants, packing industries etc. Lab Care chambers conform to International Standards such as ICH, WHO Guideline, and USFDA requirements.
Standard Features :
- Humidity Range : 40 to 92%
- Temp. Control Accuracy : +/- 0.5oC or Better
- Humidity Control Accuracy : +/- 3% or Better
- Humdity Uniformity Inside Working Chamber : +/- 5%RH or Better
- Precise control of temperature and humidity by using CE approved micro controller based
- PID controller (Imported, Auto tuning type.).
- Direct digital read-out of % RH with a electronic capacitance type sensor. No wick, cup and
water (Optional). - Refrigeration system with CFC free compressor and R-134a ECO- friendly refrigeration
system with time delay. - PC interface with Windows based communication software. (Optional)
- Micro controller based programmable timer for chamber illumination. (Optional).
- Foamed – in – place PUF insulation ensures temperature stability and reduced energy consumption.
- Audiovisual alarm if the temperature deviates from the pre set temperature (Optional).